I'm Sam and I am the minister of Redeemer. Born in London, raised in Pembrokeshire, Wales, and having studied Violin performance in Cardiff and now settled in Edinburgh, I am very much a British mongrel. I have been married to Jen for the past 13 years, and I have three children, Toby who is 7, and twins, Jack and Sophie, who are 3. In my spare time I love to read, feeling guilty about not running enough, and getting overly excited about cricket!
How did you become a Christian?
I became a christian when a visiting speaker came to my small church when I was four. I realised for the first time that my parents couldn’t save me but I had to make that decision for myself. It wasn’t until many years later, at the age of 17, during a painful and serious illness, that I realised that life without God is incredibly fleeting, totally unforgiving and, ultimately, quite hopeless. In my search for meaning on my hospital bed I remembered what I’d been taught about Jesus as a child – the fact that he was God in human flesh, that he stepped into our world, and, more than ANYONE in history or literature or religion, chose to identify with me in suffering, revolt against suffering, and promise to do something about our suffering. It was then that I rededicated my life to the Lord Jesus as my Lord and Saviour.
What is your favourite bible verse?
Other than Philippians 2 mentioned above, I think 1 Timothy 1:15 is the most profoundly and richly packed sentence in Scripture as it explains every single part of the gospel – the good news – of Jesus and the Bible in only 24 words. It details what salvation is, who brings it and who needs it most. It reads:
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.
What is salvation? The saving of sinners from their sin. Who does that for us? Jesus Christ by coming in to the world. Who needs it? Me. The reader. The worst of all sinners. And how important is this good news? One that is truly trustworthy, and deserves to be FULLY accepted by all.
What book or passage of the bible do you find most challenging?
I think perhaps the early chapters in Romans I find both the most helpful and the most challenging, namely, Romans 3:23 for ALL have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.
This highlights the uncompromising truth that every single person in the world, whether they feel they are good or not, is sinful and is deeply imperfect in front of a perfect, holy and God and desperately needs his help to save them. NO-ONE is good without Jesus. And NO-ONE can enjoy salvation or heaven or eternity without coming to Jesus, saying sorry for their sins, and leaving everything to follow him.
It’s a hard thing to hear, it’s a hard thing to preach, but it is a beautiful thing to recognise which draws us to Jesus’s salvation help.
Bio coming soon...
Colin Fischbacher
I live in Colinton with my wife Sally. I am newly retired and I love cycling long distances and finding excuses to go abroad with my bike.
Clive Irvine
I'm married to Su, we have two children and two grandchildren. My interests are fishing, reading, fixing and making things.
Derrick Simpson
I hail from Zimbabwe and have been living in the UK for the last 20 years. I am married to Jill and we have two kids. My interests include squash, swimming and walking in the Pentland Hills.
Andrew Kirby
I live in Currie with my wife Naomi and two children. I am a paediatric radiologist, I support Liverpool football club and love cycling. As well as being an Elder, I coordinate the Redeemer Creative team and play in the music team.
Originally from Singapore, I met my husband in England whilst at uni. Since then, we have made Scotland our home. We have three boys so there is never a dull moment! One of the first Scottish phrases I learnt was “to blether”. Very apt in fact, as I would gladly drop anything for a chat over tea and cake! I help coordinate Redeemer Ladies.
I am married to Roisin and we have three daughters. We have lived in south west Edinburgh for the last 16 years. Outside a career in programme management and operations I enjoy reading historical novels and catching-up on all thing's rugby related.
I provide co-ordination and support on activities related to the church building as well as helping with kids work.
I live in Juniper Green with my husband Robbie, and our three young children. Alongside the busyness of family life I work part time as a nephrologist in Fife. As a family we love to be outside on bikes or walking our golden retriever Heidi. Alongside Gwyn I am a deacon for pastoral ministry.
I live with my wife Gwyn in Colinton and have two grown up children and three grandchildren. I work in the pharmaceutical industry and enjoys cycling, travel and good food. I help lead a homegroup and work with the sound desk and streaming team.
I am married to Tim and have two children and three amazing grandchildren. I have spent most of my life in England but moved to Edinburgh three years ago. My hobbies include embroidery, knitting, meeting up with friends and visiting and exploring new places both in Scotland and beyond. I am one of the Pastoral Deacons at Redeemer and I also sing in the Worship team.
I am a hospital doctor in the military. I’m married to Fiona and we have three children (Poppy, Oliver and Lucy). I love cycling, coffee and listening to music. I serve as a deacon for small groups at Redeemer.
At Redeemer I co-ordinate the youth work and love getting to open the bible with our young people. I work for a charity called UCCF and in the rest of life I like a good dog walk and cooking for friends.